Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore is a 1974 American drama film directed by Martin Scorsese and written by Robert Getchell. It stars Ellen Burstyn as a widow named Alice who travels with her preteen son across the American Southwest in search of a better life. Alice is just a Mom and a woman who wants to find her way, not only for her son but for herself as well. She's a strong woman that's aiming to fix what she's got going in life and see what else is out there. Alice and her son go through ups & downs as they go through their journey.
When Alice finds love, things get complicated before they get better. This film is a dramatic, yet funny and smart portrayal of a woman simply trying to find happiness and balance.
The style in this movie isn't anything particularly glamorous of fashionable, but the way Alice dresses represents who she is. Whether it's her waitress uniform that clothes her while she's shoveling out food to hungry patrons or when she's 1970's casual in t-shirts, jeans and silk scarves hanging out with her son. She's an average woman that I think many can identify with in one way or another. The styling is real and relatable, just like the character.
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